Interface: IntentOptions
CloudControl Pro 9 Docs / app / IntentOptions
Interface: IntentOptions
Intent options, used to build an Intent to start an Activity or send a broadcast.
For more information about Intent, see Intent.
Table of contents
• Optional
action: string
Set the general action to be performed, such as "android.intent.action.SEND". When the action starts with "android.intent.action", you can omit the prefix and use "SEND" instead. See Actions.
• Optional
category: string
| string
The category of this Intent. See Categories
• Optional
className: string
Target component class name, such as the class name of activity, service or broadcast.
• Optional
data: any
Set the data this intent is operating on, e.g. "", "file://sdcard/1.txt".
Note: scheme matching in the Android framework is case-sensitive, unlike the formal RFC. As a result, you should always write your Uri with a lower case scheme, or use Uri#normalizeScheme or setDataAndNormalize(Uri) to ensure that the scheme is converted to lower case.
• Optional
extras: any
The Extras(extra information) of this Intent. Provide extra information for this Intent, such as the title of the email when sending an email. See Extras.
• Optional
flags: (string
| number
The flags of the intent, an array of strings or numbers, e.g. ["activity_new_task", "grant_read_uri_permission"]
. See Flags. Set special flags controlling how this intent is handled. Most values here depend on the type of component being executed by the Intent, specifically the FLAG_ACTIVITY_* flags are all for use with Context.startActivity() and the FLAG_RECEIVER_* flags are all for use with Context.sendBroadcast().
• Optional
packageName: string
The package name of the component to start. If null, all components are considered.
• Optional
type: string
Set an explicit MIME data type. This is used to create intents that only specify a type and not data, for example to indicate the type of data to return.
Note: MIME type matching in the Android framework is case-sensitive, unlike formal RFC MIME types. As a result, you should always write your MIME types with lower case letters, or use normalizeMimeType(String) or setTypeAndNormalize(String) to ensure that it is converted to lower case.